Mentor: Ana Vujanović
Ana Vujanović (Berlin / Belgrade) is a cultural worker focused on bringing together critical theory and contemporary art. She holds Ph.D. in Humanities (Theatre Studies) and post-graduate diploma in Culture and Gender Studies.
She has lectured at various universities and was a visiting professor at the Performance Studies Dpt. of the University Hamburg. Since 2016 she has been a team member and mentor at SNDO – School for New Dance Development, Academy of Theatre and Dance Amsterdam. She was a member of the editorial collective of TkH [Walking Theory], a Belgrade-based theoretical-artistic platform, and editor-in-chief of the TkH Journal for Performing Arts Theory (2001-17). She participates in artworks (performance, theatre, dance, and video/film), as a dramaturge and co-author, with artists such as Marta Popivoda, Eszter Salamon, Christine de Smedt, Dragana Bulut etc., most recently documentary film Landscapes of Resistance dir. by M. Popivoda. She has published a number of articles in journals and collections and authored and edited several books, most recently A Live Gathering: Performance and Politics in Contemporary Europe, ed. with L. Piazza (Berlin: b_books, 2019). Her new book Toward a Transindividual Self, A study in social dramaturgy, with B. Cvejic is in press by Archive Books, Berlin.
Mentor & coordinator: Marijana Cvetković
Marijana Cvetković (Belgrade) is a cultural worker, producer, curator and activist who works on intersections of culture and politics.
She completed her MA studies in management in culture and cultural policy (Belgrade and Lyon). Currently she is a PhD candidate at the University of Arts in Belgrade.
She is co-founder of Station Service for contemporary dance and the Balkan platform Nomad Dance Academy. She is a co-curator of the Kondenz Festival of contemporary dance and performance.
Major part of her activist work is connected to the independent cultural scenes of Belgrade and Serbia, where she actively participates in the initiatives Cultural centre Magacin, Zajednicko – Platform for theory and practice of the commons, and independent dance scene of Belgrade. She edited several books and published articles in journals and edited books.
Since 2009 she has been lecturer at the UNESCO MA programme of cultural management at the University of Arts.
Mentor: Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski
Biljana Tanurovska – Kjulavkovski is cultural producer, researcher, and a curator. She is co-founder of Lokomotiva, Nomad Dance Academy (NDA) and Kino Kultura (KK) – project space for contemporary performing arts and culture in Skopje among other initiatives. Some of her latest programs and projects include program Art, Politics, Institution, Body, Curating in Context project and International Summer School, program Critical Practice (Made in Yugoslavia), research and development of Archive of performing arts in North Macedonia (contemporary dance, performance and theatre) as part of NDA project Non Aliened Movements, researcher and co-curator of the exhibition “REALIZE! RESIST! REACT! Performance and Politics in the 1990s in the Post-Yugoslav Context” in the Museum of Contemporary Arts Metelkova in Ljubljana, and publishing of her book “Modeling art and cultural institutions”.
Lately she is interested in research on models on institutions, labour rights, self-management and critical and feminist curatorial approaches in performance and dance. She is visiting lecturer on diverse academic programs, writes and publish articles dealing with cultural policy, art/cultural governance and curating.
She holds PhD from the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade. In 2019, she won ENCATC International Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management for her doctoral thesis and in 2021 AICA Macedonia “Ladislav Barishic” Award for the research “Political Performance as extended field in Macedonia in 90s”.